oAuth 2.0 tutorial

This tutorial helps to understand the oAuth authentication system implemented by Minus. It also provides nice examples to implent your client application based on Minus API.

Before you read further, please inform about oAuth on the overview page.

Currently we support only the ‘Resource Owner Password Credentials’ flow, and we plan to support the ‘Authorization Code’ flow. The client applications will get refresh_token so they can request new access_token everytime.


For the early-adopter applications this is the only way to authenticate a user. This flow requires the end-users to type in their password. However the applications should not save the passwords. The tutorial will explain it more.

Getting tokens using user credentials

Applications must obtain the tokens using the /oauth/token url.

Request method can be either GET or POST.

The client_id and client_secret can be in the header authentication.

Example token request (POST):

POST /oauth/token HTTP/1.1
Host: minus.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8



This request obtains access token with read_public, read_all and upload_new scope.

Example token request (GET):

GET /oauth/token?grant_type=password&client_id=8c1930fddec2e70a9a6791c1fb2b82&client_secret=e80eae9fe98d431f5e642714695d7c&scope=read_public&username=example&password=example HTTP/1.1
Host: minus.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8

If the authentication is sucessfull, the server response contains the tokens:

    "access_token": "dc19a1ea88",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "expires_in": 3600,
    "refresh_token": "20ad15128b",
    "scope": "read_public"
access_token:application should use this token to reach Minus API
token_type:at this moment Minus only supports bearer token
expires_in:expire time in seconds (default is 1 hour)
refresh_token:with this token application can obtain new acces_token
scope:accepted scope

Once the authentication is successful, applications must drop user password. They can request always new access_token using refresh_token. Therefore the refresh_token is saveable.

Refreshing an access_token

As we described the refresh_token is useful when the access_token is not valid anymore.

Request method can be either GET or POST.

Example token request (POST):

POST /oauth/token HTTP/1.1
Host: minus.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8


Response is the same like above.

Using Minus API

With a valid access_token the application can use the API. It can send the access_token in 3 places of the request:

  • Header authentication (Bearer)
  • GET parameter: bearer_token
  • POST parameter: bearer_token

Example API GET request using Header Authorization:

GET /api/v2/activeuser HTTP/1.1
Host: minus.com
Authorization: Bearer dc19a1ea88

Example API GET request using GET parameter as access_token:

POST /api/v2/activeuser?bearer_token=dc19a1ea88 HTTP/1.1
Host: minus.com

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